viernes, 30 de marzo de 2018

Ing. Ag. Ernesto Barrera Universidad de Buenos Aires

Hoy es un día triste para ALATUR. La noticia del fallecimiento de Ernesto Barrera produce una gran pena en el corazón de los que lo conocimos.  Querido Ernesto siempre serás recordado por tus alumnos del Posgrado de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. GRACIAS por todo lo que brindaste al desarrollo del TURISMO RURAL en Argentina y Latinoamérica. Acompañamos a tu familia y amigos en este momento de dolor y les hacemos llegar nuestro afectuoso saludo. 
Tus alumnos de ALATUR.  
ALATUR Argentina
Lic. Mariano A. Villani

1 comentario:

  1. Greetings, With respect and your permission, I wish to speaking my native language please.

    I came into the UBA rural tourism post graduate course as a non-Latin America resident and a non-Spanish speaker and Ernesto made me feel so at home. This news is indeed a bit of a shock for me. Even more significant because my mother died one year ago today. Death is that inevitable part of our lives. To his family, his friends and his academic colleagues, my deepest sympathy and may God be with you at this time and grant you his peace. Just know that Ernesto has been immortalized in the lives of us that he touched directly and in the lives of those that will benefit from those of us that he touched.
    Rest well dear friend you are now on your last journey. Fare thee well.


    Jennifer Maynard
    UBA Rural Tourism Post graduate course
    Antigua and Barbuda
    English speaking West Indies
